Tag Archives: Night

One Week, Four Days…

…since my last post. It’s been a while because, well…there’s a lot going on in my life at the moment. Though it felt like it took forever, I finally landed a job after about two months of searching. My wife starts her new job next week and we’ve been looking at, and test driving, cars in hopes of purchasing one by Monday. Anyways…

The other night when I got out of work, the moon was full and the sky was fairly clear. As I walked in the door, my wife immediately told me to grab the camera and that we were going out. Though I was exhausted from working all day, I grabbed the camera and jumped in the car with her. She drove me to a small park, which abuts the banks of the Chattahoochee River. The moon looked amazing over the tree line and in the reflection of the calm waters of the river. Though it was only about a fifteen minute drive to the park, I did not want to come back to get my tripod…which I stupidly forgot. And I only have a 18-55mm kit lens for my camera, so no real detail in the moon. (We do what we can with what we have.) The following, is some of what we ended up with:


